This grant proposal to represent SSV at the upcoming Africa Start Up Festival in Lagos, Nigeria. After spending countless hours in the SSV community on Discord and the forum, I have become deeply passionate about this project. I commend the remarkable work done by dleader (formerly dmarketing)
Proposal Overview:
I propose that SSV seize the opportunity to participate in the Africa Start Up Festival scheduled for November. This event, hosted in the vibrant city of Lagos, Nigeria, presents an ideal platform to showcase SSV’s potential, connect with investors, and engage with developers who could contribute significantly to our project.
Why I am the Right Candidate:
Allow me to introduce myself further. I am a community builder and possess expertise in web3 marketing. I have also had the privilege of speaking at various events and hosting gatherings in universities across Nigeria. This background equips me with the skills and network necessary to represent SSV effectively at the Africa Start Up Festival.
What SSV Stands to Gain:
By supporting my representation at the Africa Start Up Festival, SSV can achieve the following:
Community Expansion in Africa: This event will serve as a catalyst for expanding SSV’s community into Africa, with a focus on Nigeria.
Brand Presence in Nigeria: SSV will establish a noteworthy brand presence in Nigeria, a crucial step in increasing awareness and adoption.
Dedicated Ambassador: After the event, I am committed to volunteering as an SSV ambassador, with or without compensation. I will create a regional community for SSV, build an active user base in Nigeria, and organize events to further promote the project.
Grant Budget Breakdown:
To achieve success at the Africa Start Up Festival, I request a grant of $3,000, with the following allocation:
Festival Booth: $1,250
Shelter and Transportation: $1,000
Swag Design (Polo and Cap): $500
Compensation for Booth Helpers: $250
Personal Compensation: $0
This grant will not only cover the costs associated with our presence at the event but will also contribute to building a lasting SSV presence in Nigeria.
In conclusion, I firmly believe that representing SSV at the Africa Start Up Festival is a strategic move that aligns with our vision for growth and community expansion
Information about the event can be found below
Booth price can be found here
Please vote below to show how you feel about the grant.
- I Support SSV expansion in Africa
- I’m Against SSV expansion in Africa