DAO Contributor: SSV Chinese Ambassador


Greetings to the members of the SSV.Network community.

My name is Robert.Hu. This proposal aims for me to apply to contribute to the DAO as Chinese Ambassador ofSSV.Network.

The ETH Shanghai upgrade is coming in March, SSV test network has been moved to ShiFu V2, and the value of SSV is being discovered.

In the future, LSD will become a hundred billion dollar industry. SSV.Network as a leader in DVT development will become an important key infrastructure to improve the decentralization of ETH 2.0.

I would like to make sure the Chinese community gets behind this important effort. China and APAC is a significant stronghold for the crypto space and should not be left behind in our effort to promote the success of the DVT use case.

About me

I have participated in the establishment of ETH Pos node, and the test network of SSV. I have in-depth research on ETH POS mechanism and the encryption technology logic of SSV.network.

(SSV Investment Memo-KuCoin Ventures-Robert - Google Docs)

In addition, I also set up a tracking network for the data status of each project of the LSD industry and made comparison reports of many projects, especially the development prospect analysis of the DVT industry.

My advantage is that I once served as investment director and operation director in leading exchanges and investment institutions in the Greater China region, and I have maintained good personal relationships with exchanges, investment institutions, media, outstanding communities, KOLs, DAOs, and so on.

I can explain the logic of DVT in-depth, and convey the technical details of SSV.Network in language and logic that Chinese people can make sense of, to provide the best support for the promotion of SSV.Network in the Chinese community and be.

(1). On February 7, 2023, a Twitter Space was organized together with China’s leading media PaNews, with the theme PANews Space: Ethereum Staking, the most important track in 2023? There are 2493 people listening.

Replay link: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1BdxYydYApzxX

(2). On February 6, 2023, organized a Twitter Space with the Shield Dao Chinese channel, with the theme of working hard all day long, and the development of the LSD sector. There are 442 people listening.

Replay link: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1MnxnpXMnrNGO.

(3). On February 13, 2022, I will join in Whaler community (@Whaler_DAO) project investment seminar.

Topic: Ethereum Shanghai Upgrade and Potential Track Analysis Subtopic: SSV will become the key infrastructure of the LSD track after ETH is converted Pos.

Sharing Guest: SSV.network China Ambassador Robert.Hu (@RobertHuWeb3)


The business scale potential of 100 billion level on the LSD track.

What are the SSV and DVT technologies proposed by Vitalik.

What are the advantages of SSV.network as a representative of DVT technology.

In the future, I will continue to carry out online and offline Space activities with other media, exchanges that have launched SSV, communities, Dao organizations, etc.

My Crypto Journey

•In 2022, I joined KuCoin Ventures, the investment department of KuCoin.com, taking the responsibility for:

⁃ (1) Provide industry information tracking and business case analysis reports for innovative business units. Such as NFT Platform, Crypto Wallet, etc.

⁃ (2) Producing two monthly blockchain industry research reports and organising internal team-sharing meetings. In Singapore, Bangkok, Dubai, and other places I have participated in other Exchanges, media, investment institutions, Dao, and other organisations of Space, AMA, or offline activities to promote our investment philosophy and investment preferences, and looking for a high-quality entrepreneurial team.

⁃ (3) In March 2022, I made an investment report of the SSV.Network, then I started to keep track of the development of the SSV.Network. I also have frequent in-depth communication with other investment institutions and partners about the technical advantages and development space of the SSV.Network.

My SSV investment research report link: SSV Investment Memo-KuCoin Ventures-Robert - Google Docs

•In 2021, I joined AlphaCoin Fund as an investment partner, taking the responsibility for the investment and incubation of Defi industry projects.

•In 2018, I joined Btcchina Group and served as Investment Director and CEO of BTCKR.com Exchange of Btcchina Group Korea Station.

Educational Background

Master’s Degree, University of Newcastle, Australia.

Work Plan of The Chinese Ambassador:

(1)I will translate important material to Chinese and track the key progress of the SSV.Network. And help the Chinese community team to translate SSV’s research reports, technical analysis, industry development, and other in-depth articles into Chinese. There will be three to four professional articles are published every month.

In addition, I can invite research institutions in the Greater China region to write research reports on SSV.Network and involve them in Chinese communities.

(2)Represent the DAO in offline events in Asia. Keep active communication with SSV token holders in China and establish a friendly relationship. Organising online and offline activities for SSV token holders, such as online AMA and offline meet up in various cities in the Greater China Region. There will be 1-2 offline activities every month.

(3) According to the needs of the community, I can help to establish the SSV China Ambassador and SSV.Network WeChat Official Account, Weibo account, Baidu Encyclopedia, TouTiao account, Douyin (TikTok)account,Telegram Chinese group and other Chinese network media publicity matrix.

The total number of followers on Chinese social media is planned to reach about 20,000 within 3 month,and reach 50,000 within 6 month.

(4)Take advantage of my influence in the blockchain industry and exchange relationships to establish cooperation with OKX, KuCoin, and other CEXs and promote SSV to get listed in more exchanges in Asia-based exchanges.

(5)I will establish long-term promotion channels such as AMA, Twitter Space and Live broadcast with the operating departments of Huobi, Mexc, bitget, gate.io and Bybit exchanges that have launched SSV token. There will be AMA or live streaming schedule 2-3 times a month.

(6)Participate in or organise live interviews, community AMA (SSV or LSD Industry analysis), as an ssv.network Chinese ambassador.

Maintain close exchanges and communication channels with Chinese media, exchanges, investment institutions, outstanding communities, Dao organisations, KOL, to gain more exposure for SSV and expand the user base.

I will organize or participate in AMA activities of Chinese media and community at least 2-3 times a week, and deliver speeches and answer questions for SSV.Network users in Chinese community.

(7) I will complete other work arranged by other SSV Dao and the Chinese community.

Contribution Grant

All grants are denominated in SSV, calculated on the 1st day of each month. Transfers shall be divided monthly and executed at the beginning of each calendar month for services rendered in the previous one.

For my full-time job and efforts, I’m asking for a monthly salary that could be calculated in two forms:

( These salaries include all my travel expenses in Chinese but do not include the expenses required for attending events in other countries.)

•Fixed income

⁃10000 USDT paid with SSV Token are calculated based on the average price on the last day of the previous month.

The recipient address is: 0xE805983d681DfB5B31e797b0121B3f67B0C782D6


This relationship will last for 24 months. It will start with the approval of this proposal and will cease after 24 months or at any time following a decision of the DAO unless renewed by a positive DAO vote.

My Commitment

•This is a Full-Time commitment. During the term of my engagement with the DAO and while receiving grants from it.

I am not allowed to work for other businesses, protocols, and DAO.


•This engagement is not an employment agreement and does not create an employment relationship. Accordingly, I shall not be entitled to any benefits (pension, health insurance/medical coverage, etc.) associated with an employment relationship.

•I warrant that my skills in the context mentioned in this proposal shall be put to the service of the DAO and the ssv.network and not to any of its members to whom I have no direct relationship or obligation.

•I do not have the power to commit on behalf of the DAO and I shall not present myself as having such power.

Operations consideration

⁃All compensation in SSV should be made through the DAO multi-sig, which I am not and shall not be a key holder of.

⁃If at any time either the DAO or anyone appointed by the DAO decides, by way of a vote, my services are no longer needed, I shall cease any action related to this engagement on the seventh (7) day following such decision.

⁃Grants shall be awarded until the said 7th day. The seven (7) days shall be dedicated to the transfer to a designated DAO contributor.




ETH上海升级在3月份即将到来,ssv.networkwork的测试网已经进入到了ShiFu V2,SSV代币的价值也在被发现的过程中。


我参与过ETH Pos的节点搭建,ssv.networkwork网络的测试网,对ETH的POS机制,ssv.networkwork的加密技术逻辑有深入的研究。另外对LSD赛道各个项目的数据状况也建立了追踪网络,认真做了各个项目的研究对比报告,尤其是DVT赛道的发展前景分析。


1,2023年2月7日,与中国头部媒体PaNews一起组织了一场推特Space,主题为PANews Space: 以太坊Staking,2023最重要赛道?有2493人收听。


2,2023年2月6日,与Shield Dao华语频道一起组织了一场推特Space,主题为终日乾乾,LSD板块的发展。有442人收听。


(3). 2022年2月13日,捕鲸船社区项目投研会



分享嘉宾:SSV.network 中国大使 Robert.Hu @RobertHuWeb3







澳大利亚University of Newcastle 研究生毕业。


2021年加入AlphaCoin Fund 担任投资合伙人,负责于Defi赛道项目的投资和孵化。

2022年加入KuCoin投资部KuCoin Ventures,主要负责:





(5)SSV投资研究报告链接:SSV Investment Memo-KuCoin Ventures-Robert - Google Docs


1,我会把重要资料翻译成中文。 跟踪 ssv.network 的关键进度。 并帮助中文社区团队将ssv.network的研究报告、技术分析、行业发展等深度文章翻译成中文,或邀请大中华区的研究机构在ssv.network上撰写研究报告并参与宣发。我会参与项目策划重大事件,重要进程的中国区媒体宣发活动,每月3-4次篇的专业文章宣发。

2,代表 DAO 参加亚洲的线下活动。与中国区SSV代币的持有者保持积极主动地沟通,建立友好的关系。根据中国区运营推广需求,组织SSV代币持有者的线上和线下活动,比如线上的AMA和线下活动,在中国各个城市举办meet up,每月1-2次线下活动安排。






7,完成其他SSV Dao与中国社区安排的其他工作。


所有捐款补助金均以 SSV 发放,在上个月的最后一天平均价格计算。 转账应按月划分,并在每个日历月的第一日,为前一个日历月提供的服务执行转账。




⁃10000USDT 以SSV Token 支付,捐款补助金按上个月的最后一日的平均价计算。



这种关系将持续 24 个月。 它将从该提案的批准开始,并将在 24 个月后或在 DAO 做出决定后的任何时间停止,除非 DAO 投票赞成续签。


•这是一项全职承诺。 在我参与 DAO 并从中获得资助期间,我不被允许为其他企业、协议和 DAO 工作。


•此约定不是雇佣协议,也不会建立雇佣关系。 因此,我无权享受与雇佣关系相关的任何福利(养老金、健康保险/医疗保险等)。

•我保证我在本提案中提到的上下文中的技能将用于 SSV DAO 和 ssv.network 的服务,而不是用于与我没有直接关系或义务的任何成员。

•我没有权力代表DAO 做出承诺,我不会表现出自己拥有这种权力。


⁃SSV 中的所有补偿都应通过 DAO 多重签名进行,我不是也不应该是其密钥持有者。

⁃如果 DAO 或 DAO 任命的任何人在任何时候通过投票决定不再需要我的服务,我将在做出此类决定后的第七 (7) 天停止与此约定相关的任何行动。

⁃补助金将颁发至上述第 7 天。 这七 (7) 天应专门用于转移给指定的 DAO 贡献者。

均以 SSV 计价,在每月的第一天计算。 转账应按月划分,并在每个日历月的月初为前一个日历月提供的服务执行。

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Hey @Robert.Hu,

thank you very much for your application. It is now open for vote.


Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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Unfortunately, the vote didn’t reach the minimum quorum. Closing this old thread. Thx.