之后可以在参与用户里面选取前50%,选预报参与validator数量最多的用户,和特推粉丝数量大的转发用户,给与头矿白名单。 让白名单在无许可主网开放之前提前进入ssv主网挖矿一个星期。
没有获得白名单的用户给与抽奖机会,抽出100个用户 每人发20个ssv作为奖励,
抽奖的用户必须是转发了推特同时评论了: SSV个人eth质押apr可以高达8%,用户自主掌握私钥安全级别最高。MEV、区块提案、超额gas 等收入全部直接给用户。额外的ssv主网激励早期apr增幅达50% 。
官方推特用英文发活动内容之后,市场人员找媒体发中文白名单活动的新闻/快讯,活动在推特转发评论十天/半月之后 再筛选 头矿白名单,然后抽奖。
The Mainnet incentive proposal has been passed, I suggest to make a marketing activity by mainnet incentive.
we may open white list for apply by Eth whale to solo staking,
Eg: if ssv mainnet permissionless launch at Nov. 30th, you write a marketing twitter at Nov. 10th,
announce ssv mainnet incentive accept person apply in advance .
applier need retweet it and write 0x adress and his intent staking ETH/validadtor quantity.
After the marketing news be retweet for 10 days later, you will select 50% ETH whale person, and KOL who has most fans on twitter. give them whitelist to join in ssv mainnet at Nov. 20th .
The whitelist will enjoy ssv incentive alone ten days during Nov. 20th to 30th. the incentive apr higher while join mainnet earlier .
For the person retweeted the news but don’t get whitelist, they will have a reward roll, if he retweet the marketing news and comment :
ssv mainnet start ETH personal solo staking, staker get all mev, block proposal and ex-gas rewards, high apr.
Staker personal hold stake private key himself, max security.
Staker get high apr ssv token incentive.
I think the commect be best in chinese below instead of english above:
SSV个人eth质押apr可以高达8%,用户自主掌握私钥安全级别最高。MEV、区块提案、超额gas 等收入全部直接给用户。额外的ssv主网激励早期apr增幅达50% 。
You will select 100 person from who retweeted marketing news and comment that. each one get 20ssv rewards.
BTW, the whitelist don’t need set on contract, and no multi-sign.
Just need open permissionless launch at Nov. 20th, when calculate incentive reward, you just give whitelist reward during Nov. 20th to 30th. The staker coming before 30th get none rewards without whitelist.
Important: the purpose of this activity is marketing, we want to let maxi people know about SSV mainnet progress and ability in the fastest ways. and attract maxi staker quickly .