Hi from Nikki, New SSVdiver Self-Intro

Name/Nickname: Nikki
Discord Handle: Helpgod
Twitter Handle (URL): SSV中文社区
Telegram Handle: Nikki nick
What country are you operating from: China

Tell us about yourself :

I joined this industry in March 2022. A friend recommended me to learn about SSV. Since then, I have been paying attention to SSV and other information about ETH.

In November 2023, the SSV Chinese community was created on X :star_struck:. A little earlier, I joined the Telegram group and obtained the administrator status to help maintain the Telegram group.

At that time, SSV was about to be launched on the main network. From November to December, we conducted intensive interviews with several leading operators, such as Xhash, Ebunker, etc., and also held 2 community activities in X and Telegram groups to encourage people in the Chinese area Users actively participate. I also actively report on the operator’s node number rankings, which are updated monthly.

In addition, I will write some SSV-related technical articles based on my blockchain knowledge, such as the cooperation mechanism with operators, the understanding of Byzantium, etc. At the same time, we will also actively report on some major news and activities of SSV.

This information will appear in front of everyone in the form of X updates. :grinning:

How are you going to contribute :

I will continue to maintain the X channel and Telegram group, and continue to do some of the work mentioned above, such as interviews, creations, organizing activities, etc., so that more Chinese users who follow SSV can understand the essence of the project. Of course, I may be assigned more work, but I will try my best to do it well. :sunglasses:

At Last :
I am honored to be recognized by SSV DAO and finally be able to join SSVdiver. My domestic job is product design and operation, and I will try my best. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hi @us91com Nikki

Congrats on becoming an SSVdiver! :tada:

Your work for the SSV community in China is awesome. I’m also a new SSVdiver here and excited to team up with you. Let’s do great things together!