My SSVDiver Story - Yuting

Hello, everyone. My name is Yuting, you can call me yt, and I am an experienced AI engineer and software developer. For the past few years, I’ve focused primarily on traditional software development and AI applications, accumulating a wealth of practical experience and data analysis skills. However, with the rapid development of blockchain technology, I realized that I had gaps in my Web3 knowledge. To address these and find my place in this promising field, I decided to join the SSVDivers program.

Joining the SSVDivers program was not just a technical challenge but also a pivotal moment in my career. Before this, my focus was mainly on AI and data analysis, fields in which I had substantial experience. Yet, I was always drawn to the vast potential of the Web3 world, which represents not only cutting-edge technology but also a new, decentralized way of working. This resonates deeply with my pursuit of freedom and innovation. Thus, becoming a part of SSVDivers was a significant step towards integrating my existing skills with decentralized technologies.

Upon joining the SSVDivers program, I launched a project called “SSV Insight 360.” This project was inspired by my keen observation of the community’s needs. During my interactions with community members, I noticed a strong interest in key data metrics within the SSV network, particularly Total Value Locked (TVL) data. TVL data is critical because it not only reflects the overall health of the network but also provides essential insights for the community’s decision-making. Recognizing this need, I decided to leverage my data analysis skills and technical expertise to provide the community with accurate, timely daily data reports.

However, the journey was not without its challenges. In the early stages of the project, I encountered several unexpected technical difficulties, especially when it came to understanding and handling the complexities of SSV contracts and SAFE wallet operations. These issues were initially perplexing, but instead of giving up, I sought help actively. Through close collaboration with SSV DAO members, I gradually mastered these intricate processes and found efficient and accurate data extraction methods.

Throughout this process, I didn’t just rely on my technical background; I also fully utilized my communication and needs analysis skills. By engaging with community members and technical experts regularly, I gained a deeper understanding of their actual needs and continuously adjusted the project’s direction to ensure that the final product truly added value to the community. This approach not only increased the chances of the project’s success but also provided me with valuable hands-on experience in the Web3 environment.

The SSVDivers program has provided me with more than just a platform for technical practice; it has also offered me an opportunity to collaborate and grow alongside like-minded individuals. During my work on the “SSV Insight 360” project, I faced several technical challenges, with the most daunting being the accurate understanding and processing of complex operations within SSV contracts, particularly the interactions with SAFE wallets. These challenges were not just technical hurdles; they also tested my ability to solve problems under pressure.

Through active communication and collaboration with SSV DAO members, I eventually overcame these challenges. Throughout this journey, I not only learned how to tackle complex technical problems in a Web3 environment but also enhanced my communication and teamwork skills. Collaborating with experts from diverse backgrounds enabled me to approach problems from multiple perspectives and find more flexible and efficient solutions.

Simultaneously, my skills in needs analysis were fully utilized. Through my interactions with community members, I gained a deep understanding of their data needs and optimized the “SSV Insight 360” project accordingly. In the process, I learned how to balance technical feasibility with user needs, ensuring that the project was both technically viable and genuinely beneficial to the community. This enhancement in my abilities has laid a solid foundation for my career in the Web3 domain.

Since its launch, the “SSV Insight 360” project has received significant attention and recognition from the community. Many community members eagerly anticipate the daily data reports, and their positive feedback and suggestions have not only helped me continually refine the project but have also enabled me to meet their needs more precisely. Through this project, I have provided valuable information to the community while also bolstering my reputation in the Web3 space.

The success of the “SSV Insight 360” project is evident not only in the accuracy and timeliness of the data reports but also in my personal growth and career development. Through this project, I have gained extensive experience in the Web3 space, with noticeable improvements in both my technical skills and soft skills. I’ve learned how to solve complex problems in a decentralized environment, collaborate effectively with diverse individuals, and create real value for the community through technology and communication.

Moreover, this project has made me realize that success in the Web3 space is not just about technical prowess; it’s also about understanding user needs and maintaining close interactions with the community. This understanding has guided me to remain flexible and perceptive throughout the project’s progress, ensuring that every decision I make aligns with the community’s best interests. This user-centered mindset has not only led to the project’s success but also provided valuable insights for my future career.

Looking ahead, I plan to continue deepening and expanding the “SSV Insight 360” project to provide more comprehensive and in-depth data analysis for the community. I aim to further refine the content of the data reports, exploring additional data dimensions related to the SSV network to help community members make more informed decisions. By incorporating more data sources and integrating AI technology, I intend to offer smarter, more predictive data analysis services. This will not only improve the overall decision-making process within the community but will also further enhance my technical expertise in the Web3 domain.

In addition, I plan to keep listening closely to the community, making timely adjustments and optimizations to the project to better serve their needs. I will actively participate in community activities to stay updated on their latest needs and ideas, and based on this feedback, I will continue to iterate and improve my project. Through this approach, I hope to better serve as a bridge between the community and technology, contributing to the continued growth of the SSV ecosystem.

Furthermore, I intend to initiate or participate in more innovative projects within the SSVDivers program, leveraging my experience in data analysis, AI, and software development to contribute more to the growth of the SSV ecosystem. I am particularly interested in collaborating with more DAO members and community members to explore new technological applications and drive technical innovation within the SSV network. I believe that as Web3 technology continues to advance, my skills and experience in this field will become increasingly valuable.

If you, like me, are eager to make a difference in the blockchain space and wish to improve your skills through practical experience, the SSVDivers program is undoubtedly an excellent platform. Here, you can not only apply your professional skills but also genuinely contribute to the decentralized ecosystem through close collaboration with the community. The SSVDivers program offers a stage for technical experts to showcase their talents and provides ample growth opportunities for those looking to find their place in the Web3 world.

Whether you’re a developer, data analyst, or simply a blockchain enthusiast, the SSVDivers program will provide you with the opportunity to achieve your goals. In this program, you can continuously improve your technical and soft skills through hands-on work, connect with talented individuals from around the world, and expand your professional network. Join us, and together, we can shape the future of the SSV ecosystem!


Excited to be on this journey with you, Yuting! Looking forward to learning and growing together as SSVDivers!