Implementation of v2 and v3 front end, retroactive grant proposal [lsd-pool]

Hello everyone!
I would suggest to allocate 3000$ paid in SSV token to TIM88-DOT. 2000 USD denominated in SSV token for V2 deployment and 1000 USD for V3 deployment.

This work consist of “frontend” folder inside of lsd-pool repo, formerly under awesome-ssv. You can see it here: lsd-pool/frontend at main · ssv-network/lsd-pool · GitHub

The folder includes:

  • smart contract
  • deployment scrips
  • front end built in react

My version of the frontend is hosted at , anyone can deploy their own frontend(hosted at, smart contracts and backend following this tutorial:
lsd-pool/ at main · ssv-network/lsd-pool · GitHub

@BenAffleck please review the request. :pray:

If you would want to help us in the future or contribute please reach to us via discord in #devs-support channel

Hello @markoInEther. Thanks for reaching out. Could you please give us a bit more context of why this work was important and how it was actually implemented? Thank you.

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Hey @BenAffleck!
Here are the reasons

Why this work was important

This work is important for the ecosystem and ssv builders, because it allows anyone to spin up a basic fully working staking application. This allows builders to experience first hand how to build a staking application using ssv on a practical example.

How it was implemented

It was implemented using one of the most popular developer framework scaffold-eth. This framework is loved by many developers and used for easy prototyping. It contains burner wallets, scripts to host frontend, verify code and make the development process faster and easier.

Thank you, @markoInEther. Could you please link the relevant commits and the documentation which contains his work (e.g., user guides, screenshots, videos)?

Thank you!

Here is the tutorial, both video and text that goes through the work he has done on the repository, everything there is his work.

Also anyone can check commits + PRs at the repositories from TIM88-DOT (N0name) · GitHub as they are both public. :slight_smile:

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We want to inform the community that the grant committee approved the following grant request on June 29th, 2023:

TIM88-DOT-Awesome-SSV Repo Contribution

Total grant: $3000

Payment terms: The grant will be paid in 100%SSV tokens based on a 7-day moving price average as of the approval date.

Thank you :four_leaf_clover:

—Grants Committee

thank you for the approval, here is my address : 0xb7a0e4786542c5f5aa9076e8139eb3efa463e366 :slight_smile: