SSV x DxPool grant proposal [Stake.DxPool]

We want to inform the community that the grant committee approved the following grant request on April 25th, 2024:


Total grant: $40000

Payment terms: The grant will be paid in 100% SSV based on a 7-day moving price average as of the approval date, re-calculated for every milestone.

Thank you :four_leaf_clover:

—Grants Committee

Hi, SSV community!
DxPool has finished the milestone #1 of our testnet integration of SSV technology to our desktop app and web-portal, details below:

This desktop tool is a GUI that will combine the functionality of both deposit-cli and SSV-keys in a completely offline state.

A corresponding web page that allows individual investors to stake SSV validators will also be available along with the desktop app.

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Hi, SSV community!
DxPool has finished the milestone #2 which is our mainnet integration of SSV technology to our desktop app and web-portal, details below:

This desktop tool is a GUI that will combine the functionality of both deposit-cli and SSV-keys in a completely offline state.

A corresponding web page that allows individual investors to stake SSV validators will also be available along with the desktop app.

Next item on the agenda should be our GTM plan, details will be out shortly, stay tuned!

Related reading: Introducing DxPool’s Staking Service with SSV Network DVT Integration | by DxPool | Medium

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