SSV x grant proposal [Institutional Staking API]

We want to inform the community that the grant committee has approved the following grant request on August 3rd 2023: Staking API

Total grant: $70000

Payment terms: The grant will be paid in 70% SSV and the rest in USDC tokens based on a 7-day moving price average as of the approval date, re-calculated for every milestone.

Thank you :four_leaf_clover:

—Grants Committee

We have successfully completed our SSV grant project. This represents a significant achievement for our team and the entire SSV community.

What did we do?

  • With the grant’s support, we onboarded institutions and LRTs to the SSV network. This has led to some fantastic results, including more than 260,000 ETH staked.

  • Our team released two ground-breaking innovations to simplify the SSV staking process. DVT API is helping to automate the ssv staking flow for large players, while SSV dAPP is the two-clicks solution to stake on (DVT Staking: Revolutionize Your Staking Experience).

Thank you SSV for your support as we continue to innovate and improve!

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