Resignation from Multi-Sig

Hey all,

In accordance with the rules of the live multi-sig proposal, I am writing to inform you that Amitej Gajjala (AG), Co-Founder at Stader ( @Amit ), will be stepping down from his position as a member of the multi-sig. Due to pressing work priorities, AG will not be available on short notice to fulfill his multi-sig duties.

As per the protocol, this announcement serves as the required seven-day notice before a decision is made regarding his replacement. The Multi-Sig Committee will soon announce the new member who will step up to take AG’s place in the DAO Multi-Sig.

Best regards,
Stader Compliance Team

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The Multi-Sig committee would like to thank for the time AG has spent as a member of the DAO Multi-Sig Committee. :bouquet:

With that in mind, we respect AG’s decision to step down from DAO Multi-sig and hope to see him remain an integral part of the community in the years to come!

The vote on the replacement of AG will be held after seven days have passed since this announcement. AG’s place will be filled by none other than our well known core contributor @fod, which we are very happy to have and are looking forward to being a part of the DAO Multi-Sig.

The community has 7 days to object to this decision.

Good luck, everyone!:four_leaf_clover:

Replacement Member

Name: Fod
Discord: fod8970
Address: TBA


My biggest concern is what do
You guys call a DAO here when this organization is run with the same people over and over again
Without giving any other person an opportunity to contribute
The wildest thing I have seen in a Dao

I appreciate your concern @King_steve.

As you know firsthand, not a single member of the DAO is associated with the core development team behind the protocol, and every single member emerged organically from the community. An inherent feature of this is that you often see the same people stepping up.

However, 100% of all seats on any committee went through a democratic election, either through a DAO proposal or a formal application and a vote among the existing members of a committee, who themselves have been recruited the same way. For instance, you may have missed the call for an application for a seat in the VOC (happy to take your application) a couple of days ago on Discord.

For the m-sig, the DAO is aiming for a good mix of DAO core contributors who earned their trust over a long time and people who have a reputation in the industry but aren’t directly core contributors. The list of m-sig members can be found on the snapshot proposal that DAO approved, with [DIP-2] Multi-Sig Committee.

If you think there is a better candidate, please post here. The m-sig will decide which person is the optimal fit. The rules for this can also be found in DIP-2.

Thank you!


I did not even care to check back here, whatever is going on here is between you @BenAffleck, and your buddies
This place you call Dao dont need new contributors just you and friends running it
I know vividly a lot of people have showed interest in contributing to this Dao but your selective policy is run by you and friends
I know @kbc she was here and she is good why didn’t she get a chance? Shaun was here what happen to him? I was here and I
Showed great interest here what happened?
This is not a Dao my friend
The community empowerment is still dominated by the same people the strategy to even give delegate the token is weird asf
Nothing in this place shows inclusiveness
You and your friends decide who should be in and who should not be

Hi Steve -
There is an application open now for people who want to join the Verified Operator Committee. If you have somebody who would be a good candidate, please encourage them to apply!

@GBeast I’m not interested, I didn’t say this because I need a role to I want to contribute they time has pass for that, I wanted to point out what is going on here?
This place is not a Dao
The way the run this organization is a big slap to community governance
Imagine bunch of friends nominating themselves for roles, resigning and and getting another one back
Keeping the whole thing in a loop and you call it a Dao?
The tokens delegate still goes to this same people
They are scared of having a role concentration and having a limit on the roles you can have on the Dao
Using the old slogan of we have been here from the start
Lol its time to change the name to friends club
I do not need any role man
It annoying to see this people do this over and over again

Hello @King_steve! We’ve been here before. I don’t want to argue with you again.

For the record, the DAO had an interview with @King_steve in the past, so he knows exactly how the process works.

For selecting @fod as a replacement on the m-sig, you have a point in saying that the shortlisting of candidates isn’t as transparent as it should be. We’ll improve on this instance.

However, your general observation is factually incorrect. If you look at the current members of each committee, each member was voted in by the community, either directly or indirectly. Everyone can check those facts easily.

Also, if you look at the actual names, you can see that most members are unrelated to any of the OGs (you call friends club). We have @GBeast, @EridianAlpha, @BumpyTale, @Spacesider, and many others running the show and leading the work. None of them had a personal relationship with the “friends club” before. They just had the experience and did great work, and I recommend you do the same.

The same is true for m-sig, where half of the m-sig “was not here from the start”.

Also, the current delegation process is transparent and 100% based on activity. If you have a high Karma score, you’ll get delegated. Please note, that this is a delegation policy of SSV Labs, and not SSV DAO. The DAO will soon come up with its own delegation program, but it will also be built on a transparent metric.

Let’s agree to disagree, take the feedback seriously, and see how we can improve. Thank you!