Efficient Frontier Market Making Weekly Report March 5th 2024

  • The Efficient Frontier team has been working closely to understand the goals and targets for the project & we continue to try improve market conditions. The snapshots below show how traded volume, on major exchanges, compare to certain projects of $1b market cap.
  • SSV markets are in a perfect place to capitalize on the trading environment created.
  • With all this being said, we are still aiming to improve SSV markets and have a clear picture where we need to target.
  • We believe that additional DEX venues would be beneficial for the eco-system
  • Lastly, bringing more awareness to the network should also be the top priority of the community.

  • SSV is up 7+% in the last week.

A few notes to explain what you are seeing:
• “7d Avg Spread” is the average spread from the best performing spread market (Binance USDT pair).
• “4% Liquidity” is ±2% from midprice liquidity sitting in the books across all exchanges
• In the individual pairs, the “2% Liquidity” is ±1% from the midprice liquidity sitting in that individual pair
*The price movement and comparison can be referenced on CoinGecko under “How does the price performance of SSV Network compare against its peers?” https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ssv-network

  • In a environment where volumes haven’t increased that much, SSV vols are looking impressive

  • Below is the average liquidity for the week. 2% = ±1%, 4% = ±2%, 8% = ±4%

Spreads for the previous week.

  • This is the % of time EF kept spreads from bid-ask at 75bps or better. EFs uptime is better than last weeks. We’ve maintained ~99% uptime.
  • We’re keeping spreads much tighter than that though. Below the usual snapshot is a snapshot of the market spreads on Binance and OKX.
  • The left Y- Axis accompanied by the blue bar graph are market volumes.
  • The right Y-Axis accompanied alongside the yellow line graph represents the spread. The spread looks volatile but the scale is between 0 and 5bps. - Representing relatively tight spreads.

Please follow market spreads either on the exchanges or Coingecko/Coinmarket cap to validate that our spreads are remaining below the agreed upon KPI

This does not include liquidity & trading in the V3 pool

Our aim is to continue to incentive volume and sustained trading health in the SSV market while remaining as transparent as we can with community members.