Efficient Frontier Market Making Weekly Report February 27th 2024

The market is seeing a significant upswing in momentum. I understand there has been concern from the community regarding SSV’s price action.

We continue to provide orders at price points throughout the order book. We aim to provide sustainability to the project and be a part of SSVs success. Nevertheless, it is essential to say that we will never participate in ‘pumping’ up the price as this is both unethical and illegal.

A lot of the price increase is associated with current narratives dominating the crypto industry (DePin, RWA and so on).

However, Efficient Frontier believes that more liquidity could help the SSV markets. We will continue discussion with DAO members and the community to see how this can be achieved - we’re in this together :muscle:.

  • SSV has been relatively flat.

A few notes to explain what you are seeing:
• “7d Avg Spread” is the average spread from the best performing spread market (Binance USDT pair).
• “4% Liquidity” is ±2% from midprice liquidity sitting in the books across all exchanges
• In the individual pairs, the “2% Liquidity” is ±1% from the midprice liquidity sitting in that individual pair
*The price movement and comparison can be referenced on CoinGecko under “How does the price performance of SSV Network compare against its peers?” https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ssv-network

  • There has been an increase in volumes since last weeks report, we’ve increased traded volume.
  • Reference previous weeks report and Volumes can be checked on https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/ssv-network and on the respective exchanges

  • Below is the average liquidity for the week. 2% = ±1%, 4% = ±2%, 8% = ±4%

Spreads for the previous week.

  • This is the % of time EF kept spreads from bid-ask at 75bps or better. EFs uptime is better than last weeks. We’ve maintained ~99% uptime.

Please follow market spreads either on the exchanges or Coingecko/Coinmarket cap to validate that our spreads are remaining below the agreed upon KPI

This does not include liquidity & trading in the V3 pool
Our aim is to continue to incentive volume and sustained trading health in the SSV market while remaining as transparent as we can with community members.

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