SSV x Hellman grant proposal [Notifications & Monitoring]

We want to inform the community that the grant committee has approved the following grant request on 24.08.22:

Total grant: $25K

Payment terms: The grant will be paid in 50% SSV and 50% USDC tokens based on 90 days moving price average, re-calculated for every milestone.

Verified Payment Address: 0xff70ffa48851c6349ca72807bbc9b58fac294181 (Ethereum Verified Signed Message)

Thank you :four_leaf_clover:

—Grant Committee


:grinning:Many thanks to the community and the grant committee! We have already started work. In the near future, we will show the milestone results to everyone.


This is the milestone 1’s product UI of SSV.NETWORK monitoring system, which is open to the community. If you have suggestions, you can comment below.

Check it: SSV Monitoring System UI(Hellman).pdf - Google Drive

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We are thrilled to deliver our Phase 2 milestone of the SSV Hellman Alerts and bringing in a tiny status update. Back-end data synchronization, rule engine, notification service, API interface are functional and the front-end development is going on. Please check here for the API and below for basic UI previews.

We welcome any comments and suggestions, thank you all!

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When can we get access to the UI?

At the end of this month, it’s coming soon!

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HellmanAlert has landed on the community. You can monitor your account balance and operators through it, please check it out!

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