We want to inform the community that the grant committee approved the following grant request on May 3rd, 2023:
HashQuark-EPotter - An Institutional-Grade Solution for Liquid Proof-of-Stake Validation
Total grant: $70000
Payment terms: The grant will be paid in 100% SSV tokens based on a 7-day moving price average as of the approval date, re-calculated for every milestone.
Thank you 
—Grants Committee
HashQuark [EPotter]
EPotter aims to solve the liquidity issue and high entry barriers for ETH holders to support the growth of Ethereum staking.
We have integrated EPotter with SSV. The new deposited validator will be automatically registered to the SSV network.
Users can stake and unstake their ETH.
Users deposit funds by using compliant platforms;
EPotter operator generate validator keys offline with staking-deposit-cli;
EPotter operator do key-split with makeShares
tools we developed;
EPotter operator upload key-split to the DVT Service with dvt_tools
we developed;
EPotter operator upload corresponding deposit data to the KeyRegistry contract;
The institution partners use a whitelisted address to call the EPotter contract to make ETH deposits. The EPotter contract would use deposit data from KeyRegistry contract to deposit to ETH Beacon Deposit Contract internally in one transaction;
After the deposit transaction is completed, the EPotter backend service will call the DVT service to register the validator with the SSV network using the split key share of the DVT service.
Users withdraw ETH, and the corresponding ETH is issued to the user after confirmation.
We hope this will be a great addition to the growing SSV ecosystem and if you have any questions about this please feel free to contact us.
EPotter Staking UI screenshots
SSV demonstration process
SSV test demo screenshots
DVT service code
Epotter SSV Validators
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