Efficient Frontier Market Making Weekly Report December 12th

This last week saw continued inflow’s into crypto. The caveat is that it’s been one of the lowest nominal amounts in that time period. It’s lead to a number of tokens seeing a decrease in price and participants taking profits.

  • SSV price has lost just under 9% in the last 7 days. In order to support the market, we, Efficient Frontier, have increased our trading volume amongst the USDT pairs. Most notably our market share has increased substantially on OKX and Binance ( OKX SSV/USDT & Binance SSV/USDT)

A few notes to explain what you are seeing:
• “7d Avg Spread” is the average spread from the best performing spread market (Binance USDT pair).
• “4% Liquidity” is ±2% from midprice liquidity sitting in the books across all exchanges
• In the individual pairs, the “2% Liquidity” is ±1% from the midprice liquidity sitting in that individual pair

  • Volumes for SSV have been mixed but as an aggregate have decreased.
  • We mentioned last week that we would be improving our support and volume on the most traded pairs OKX SSV/USDT & Binance SSV/USDT. Our market share increased to 2.65% on Binance and an impressive 4.1% on OKX. This is inline with our commitment to showing more effective communication on Efficient Frontiers strategy and our commitment to the SSV community.
  • We are here to support in the good and the bad times where we provide an ideal environment for trading and non participation in fictitious market movements.

Spreads for the previous week.

  • This is the % of time EF kept spreads from bid-ask at 75bps or better. EFs uptime is better than last weeks ~97+%

This does not include liquidity & trading in the V3 pool
Our aim is to continue to incentive volume and sustained trading health in the SSV market.

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