[DIP-17] Giving back to the Lido Community

Proposal summary

This proposal aims to start a marketing campaign to increase the recognition of the ssv.network and DVT with the Lido community by conducting a campaign with learn-to-earn aspects around SSV’s part in the Lido Simple DVT module. For this proposal the ssv.network DAO would need the current balance of $LDO tokens from the ssv/network treasury, which is 16,640 $LDO tokens.


On the 27th of August, 2021, Lido gave SSV a grant for developmental purposes which proved to be very helpful. The SSV community would like to show gratitude and return the favor by rewarding the Lido community through a gamified and educational campaign about SSV and Simple DVT.

In addition, this would serve to commemorate SSV being utilized live on mainnet on the Simple DVT module.


With the execution of this proposal the ssv.network and its DAO will achieve:

  1. Awareness of the larger staking/restaking community and beyond of SSV — The campaign will help educate the broader staking community, the Lido community, and the SSV community about SSV and its importance in Lido’s Simple DVT module.

  2. The commemoration of the ssv.network integration with Lido on Ethereum mainnet — Lido and SSV are complex and long-standing protocols which took many years and hard work to bring to full-scale mainnet operations. This will commemorate both Lido’s initiative of the Simple DVT module, and the actual SSV protocol being used in a highly-regarded protocol such as Lido.

  3. Better positioning within Lido’s community — the ssv.network is not the only DVT solution that will go live. Having a wide-spread awareness campaign that solely focuses on SSV’s portion of the Simple DVT module will help to draw attention to SSV’s advantages over other DVT solutions.

  4. Social participation and engagement — The campaign will require social engagement, which can help convert future solo-stakers to potential ssv.network users by subsequent social media posts and content items.

Proposal particulars

  1. Asset transfer
  2. Strategy and Execution
    a. Campaign Strategy
    b. Required Actions
    c. Timeline
  3. Budget
  4. Objectives

Strategy and Execution

Asset transfer

On April 2nd, 2024, the ssv.network DAO passed the [DIP-16] ssv.network DAO community and marketing management proposal. This proposal outlined the assets (Managed Assets) that are owned by the ssv.network DAO, over which the SSV Foundation will assume control. One of these assets is also the ssv.network Galxe platform and the corresponding wallet (EOA), the control over which, will be held by the SSV Foundation and owned by the ssv.network DAO, if this proposal were to pass.

Campaign Strategy

A ‘learn and earn’ campaign will be hosted on the leading web3 social platform Galxe. Users who have interacted with Lido on-chain prior to the campaign release (via a timed-snapshot),will be able to perform off-chain educational tasks such as reading a blog post and answering a quiz.

The event will be amplified together with Lido and Galxe to achieve a wider reach, and will serve to strengthen the narrative of giving back to the Lido community and commemorating the release of SSV’s portion in the Simple DVT module.

Required Actions

If the proposal passes, The ssv.network DAO Multisig committee will transfer 16,640 $LDO to a SSV Foundation EOA. Once the SSV Foundation receives the aforementioned LDO tokens, it will deposit those tokens into a Galxe-deployed smart contract.


Once the campaign is launched, it will last for 21-days (three weeks) during which users can participate and complete the tasks. Once completed, they are automatically given a chance to share the token prize pool.

Once the 21 days pass, the Galxe mechanism randomly picks the winners, and the winners have to use their Ethereum address (connected to their Galxe account) to claim their prize, given to them on the Ethereum mainnet.

The prize pool would be equally split between 100 participants, with each receiving 166.4 $LDO upon winning.

If some amount of tokens remain unclaimed, they will be returned to the Foundation EOA to then be returned to the SSV DAO treasury.

In case that this proposal does not address all the details necessary for the execution of tasks listed above by the SSV Foundation, the SSV Foundation will have the ability to decide the details of how these transactions/actions will be executed and the tokens transferred into their respective places.

In order to conduct the campaign with the aforementioned engagement requirements (off and on-chain) the SSV Foundation will be required to:

  1. Head to galxe.com and click “sign in” at the top right. Use the SSV Foundation EOA to sign in.

  1. Afterwards, head to Dashboard - My Spaces | Galxe and click on “ssv.network”

  1. Click on “Quests” on the left menu bar.

  1. Click “Create” on the upper right side.

  1. A popup will show. Click “Quest”

  1. This is the part where campaign parameters need to be set.

a) Quest info:
Title: Learn and Earn with SSV Network & Lido


Recurrence: Once
Quest Period: To be chosen by the SSV Foundation in accordance with the powers vested to it through the [DIP-16] ssv.network DAO community and marketing management proposal.
Campaign visibility: Public

b) Rewards:
Set reward type: Token Reward
Network: Ethereum Mainnet
Token: Lido DAO ($LDO) – contract address 0x5a98fcbea516cf06857215779fd812ca3bef1b32
Token amount per winner: 166.4
Amount of winners: 100
Reward distribution method: Raffle

c) Task Settings:
Click: Set up task group:

Choose “Community”

Set these requirements:
i) Follow “ssv_network” on Twitter
ii) Follow “LidoFinance” on Twitter
ii) Quiz will be chosen by the SSV Foundation in accordance with the powers vested to it through the [DIP-16] ssv.network DAO community and marketing management proposal.
iii) Visit a page (ad-hoc blog post) will be chosen by the SSV Foundation in accordance with the powers vested to it through the [DIP-16] ssv.network DAO community and marketing management proposal.

d) Click “on-chain”

Choose “Wallet Balance”
Fill in details:
Network: Ethereum Mainnet
Token contract address: 0xae7ab96520DE3A18E5e111B5EaAb095312D7fE84
Amount: Greater-than-or-equal-to 0.02 stETH
Snapshot: The time for the Snapshot will be chosen by the SSV Foundation in accordance with the powers vested to it through the [DIP-16] ssv.network DAO community and marketing management proposal.

With these parameters set, the campaign can be released.

Despite the details mentioned above, the SSV Foundation is free to change the outlined parameters if it deems that such a change would yield higher participation or impact of the simpleDVT campaign.


16,640 $LDO tokens located in the treasury of the ssv.network DAO.


I think this DIP-17 proposal is genius, good job @BenAffleck !
It seems to be a smart way to boost the recognition of SSV Network related to Lido Simple DVT module.

My brother and I recently set up a new operator on the SSV Network but no luck we are still looking for our first validator. This kind of initiative could really help us attract more validators and it’s also great for the whole community.

P.S. You made me discover the protocol Galxe, pretty cool.

:+1::zap: :+1:


sounds like a smart idea in order to increase awareness!


You should consider signing up for testnet #4. If you meet the benchmarks, you can become a node operator in the SimpleDVT module.

Sign up: https://forms.gle/DDwzDQ5an91YLWvq9

More info: Staking Router Module Proposal: Simple DVT - #37 by KimonSh - Proposals - Lido Governance


I will look at it, thanks!


Last week, I applied for the Lido DVT Testnet #4 but haven’t received any news yet. Fingers crossed!

:vertical_traffic_light:Voting is now underway!

[DIP-17] Giving back to the Lido Community

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