What is delegation?
Delegation is a mechanism through which SSV holders can entrust their voting power in snapshot to one or more chosen delegates. This is done through our SSV Karma Dashboard, which is a permissionless system so anyone can delegate voting power to anyone else and they can end that delegation at any time.
To learn more about the need for delegation, read the announcement blog post here.
What is a delegate?
A delegate is any member of the SSV DAO community who has been elected to represent other token holders and vote on their behalf by delegation. Delegates are elected by token holders who choose to grant their voting power to them. Delegates are required to follow the protocols defined guidelines and must act in the best interest of the token holders whom they represent.
Delegation never involves the transfer of custody of assets but rather just the vote weight those assets represent in the Threshold DAO.
Expectations of a delegate
- Engage in comprehending and offering input on governance forum articles, if needed.
- Prioritize the DAO’s and the community’s interests when casting votes, avoiding personal bias.
- Refrain from accepting personal incentives or favors in exchange for voting support.
- Proactively participate in voting on governance propositions and provide the rationale for each vote.
- Possess familiarity with the ssv.network’s essential benchmarks and its surrounding environment.
- Establish a strong presence by crafting a profile on the various ssv.network platforms.
How to become a delegate in three simple steps?
Step 1
- Go to https://delegate.ssv.network/ and complete your Karma profile by linking your accounts and setting your delegate statement. See Ben’s Profile as an example. Linking Discord and the Forum is mandatory.
Note: Linking your Discord profile requires you to issue certain bot commands. Make sure to issue them on the General Discord channel. - Update your forum profile including a profile picture.
Step 2 (Optional, yet recommended)
- Apply as a Delegate on this forum thread using the template below
Step 3 (Optional, yet recommended)
- Copy the link to your post and drop a quick message on the dao-discussions discord channel and announce yourself. Feel free to get creative.
Sample: “, my name is [NAME], please consider me to be your delegate. [LINK TO YOUR FORUM POST]. Ask me anything here on Discord."
Template (Copy/Paste)
Copy and paste the template below, fill it out, and post it as a response on this thread
My Karma Profile: [YOUR PROFILE LINK]
My reasons for being a delegate: [COPY/PASTE YOUR STATEMENT FROM KARAM]
Out of all past DAO votes…
…which one did you like the most and why did you vote the way you did?
…which one did you find most controversial and why did you vote the way you did?