SSV Research Report: A deep-dive into the DAO, it’s community and surrounding Ecosystem, and the Marketing employed


Re: Operators and Voting

The delegation based models are interesting, and I’ll have to look more into the team up; I’m assuming it’s similar to how ENS token holders can delegate their voting power to representatives. On my commute today I remembered another DAO, maybe Curve, I can’t remember, but in order to have voting power they required tokens to be invested into a contract for say a year. That way you get an actual commitment from folks and not just have the largest holders of the SSV token as the whales dictating the DAO and proposals, though those holders could also put their tokens in the contract for a year if they’re actually invested in the product. And potentially that contract could be invested in some sort of pool to gain interest, so there’s a return for those who commit their tokens beyond voting rights.

As for where those holders and operators are communicating, I’d assume the discord, and that’s where you want to make the place, get conversations going there. Even tonight on r/ethfinance someone was asking what news of SSV/DVTs there was and how to find out more and I pointed them over here, there isn’t much out there to find out. I know us Dappnode runners have discussed SSV in our Dappnode discord, but there needs to be an effort by the SSV team to engage in the discord, both as tech support and conversationalists.

Re: Funding. Agreed, Eth is volatile and a stablecoin, whether backed like USDC or one more on chain like DAI, are good and solid investments with decent returns. I am just one guy who has my opinions on keeping things on Ethereum’s chain and what to do, I think you could also ask in the Discord to see what folks recommend and see if there’s any good models. As to how things should be split, I’ll see if I have time to do some research and get answers, but DAO funding is something I’ve never really read about.

Re: Outreach: if there’s politics that affects the network, testnet, DAO, I think that should be reported on. I’m glad it’s resolved though. I saw conversation tonight on r/EthFinance on how Rocketpool is also failing, or at least to the general Eth consumer, in marketing to the standard person that is staking, and how more communication is needed. I don’t know if it’s possible, but having a posting on a standard schedule, like every other week, at both a technical and explain like I’m 5 level, on how SSV works, what challenges it faced in the testnet and going forward, what optimal implementation will be, and having that all posted on the SSV medium and cross posted by one of the SSV devs into the SSV discord, reddits, and wherever else Eth conversation is happening (EthStaker discord? Maybe a youtube explainer/demo series?)

A roadmap would really help, I think, get people excited, give something to look forward to, and something for the team to announce progress on. The value proposition of why running SSV to stakers should be part of this too.

I’ll look into how Gitcoin grants and bounties are written, I think the goal would be to get the grant written and approved and integrated into the quadratic funding grants round in a couple months as part of the Eth infrastructure bucket.

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