[Micro-Grant] SSV Monitoring Tooling


When Lavender.Five began using SSV, we noticed a dearth of monitoring and alerting solutions in the ecosystem for it. SSV is incredible, but one thing it lacks is clarity in important metrics for tracking operator uptime. In light of this, we built it for ourselves and others to use! This suite is currently in use on mainnet by several other teams including our own for LIDO <> SSV.

What Are We Building

We request a microgrant for our creation of said open source monitoring solution for SSV for node runners and validators utilizing docker containers with Prometheus, Grafana, NodeExporter, and alerting with AlertManager. This is intended to be a one-stop solution for monitoring signing state for SSV. The dashboard utilizes and expands upon the official SSV Monitoring dashboards, which we have also contributed to.

The tool includes 4 dashboards and 20 alerts which monitor the health of the SSV operators themselves, in addition to the status of the individual servers they reside on.

The key value-add here is the alerting and built in dashboards. There are other products which provide similar container functionality (for example, ETH Docker), however that is much more narrow in scope. By providing a single Pagerduty key, any pertinent alerts will automatically route to appropriate escalation and alert levels, with all alerts directly tied to Grafana dashboards to see their immediate status.

Because we’re actively running on SSV, the microgrant would simply go to our SSV wallet to continue paying fees for the foreseeable future.

Ongoing Support

Our team is dedicated to providing ongoing support and maintenance for the tooling. We believe in the value that it brings to the community and are committed to keeping it up-to-date and running smoothly. After all, we’re actively using it!

We welcome any feedback or suggestions you may have, and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!


Github: GitHub - LavenderFive/ssv-monitoring: SSV https://ssv.network/ monitoring


Hey @lavenderfive, many thanks for your request for retroactive funding of your SSV monitoring solution.

The grants committee will discuss internally and we’ll come back to you with a decision in due time.


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The Grant Committee is awarding @lavenderfive a $2K micro-grant retroactively for all the work and the significant impact this has on the community. It is much appreciated, and we really value your team and its contribution.

The grant will be fully paid in $SSV tokens based on 7-days price average as of 2024-07-11.

Thank you :four_leaf_clover:

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