Hello everyone,
We are excited to announce the first draft of our contributor guidelines, which aim to provide a clear and fair framework for appointing individuals who wish to contribute to the ssv.network DAO:
Contributor Guidelines
Here’s a good example of a proposal that would benefit (clearer, shorter, faster) from effective guidelines:
Developer Evangelist & Integration Specialist & Tokenomics researcher
The guidelines apply to each compensated contributor (contributor) of the DAO, ensuring consistency and fairness throughout the process. We believe that transparency, inclusivity, and diversity are vital for the community to drive the selection of new contributors collectively.
We want to invite all community members to review the guidelines and provide us with feedback. Please feel free to ask any questions or provide any comments you may have.
Thank you,
Ben, on behalf of the dGC
I’d recommend renaming the ‘hiring’ category here on the forum to ‘contributors’, since we’re not truly hiring. In preparation for the DAO foundation, I want to avoid the impression of an employer/employee relationship for this kind of contribution.
Also, we should consider a naming convention to uniquely identify this kind of proposal once it passes snapshot voting. Since SIP is taken for protocol-related improvements, I’d recommend something else. I’ll kick-off the discussion elsewhere.
Should we define a ‘core’ timezone and ask every compensated contributor to have a minimum overlap with that timezone? E.g., suppose the core timezone is set to UTC+0, and the contributor is located in UTC+8. In that case, the contributor should commit to participating in regular meetings, even if that is outside of typical working hours.
Good day,
The DAO was made aware of cases where the current model of calculating compensation can become ‘unfair’ when the proposal contains a backdated compensation for several months. Calculating each month individually can render a huge disadvantage for the proposer if the token value drops significantly during that period. A good example of such a case is the extension of Marko’s position as our DAO development evangelist, which includes several months of backdated compensation. During this time, the SSV token price dropped significantly, leaving Marko with much less than he requested, denominated in $USD.
To account for such scenarios, we suggest the following amendment to the compensated contributor guidelines:
Backdated compensation
If a contributor’s proposal includes backdated compensation and terms for backdated compensation are not explicitly stated, the backdated compensation up until the proposal passes will be calculated and paid as a lump sum. This lump sum will be calculated based on the same moving average price selected for future payments and calculated on the day the DAO vote approves the proposal. The calculated amount will be paid to the contributor as a lump sum, ensuring transparency and fairness in valuing their past contributions while not exposing the contributor to market fluctuations.
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