SSV x DragonStake [SSV Explorer]

We want to inform the community that the grant committee has approved the following grant request on 2022-09-21:

Proposal Document

Total grant: $100,000

Payment terms: The grant will be paid in 50% SSV and 50% USDC tokens based on a 90-day moving price average as of the approval date, re-calculated for every milestone.

SSV price: $9.85883 (2022-09-21) for upfront payment.
Amount SSV: 507.16 (rounded) as upfront payment
Amount USDC: $5,000 as upfront payment

Verified Payment Address: 0xE641136171c3AAadfa2DBa0737eA55E810e8738f Ethereum Verified Signed Message

Thank you :four_leaf_clover:

—Grant Committee