Incentivized Testnet v2 Initial Draft

I would avoid using the Goerli network if you want to do any incentivized test. Your previous testnet was already quite disruptive to the general Ethereum community. A lot of DApp creators, prater validators, and researchers could simply not use the Goerli network because they were not able to get GoETH in the first place. You risk turning even more people against you if you keep tying real value to a testnet that is supposed to be free of real value.

Here is a compromise for you. Use the Gnosis/xDai chain for your remaining testnets/tests. That chain is fully EVM compatible and it is already quite cheap to use it. If you want to keep the incentive, make the reward slightly higher than the cost of running the test on the Gnosis/xDai chain for your testers/users.

A free to use testnet like Goerli is essential for the Ethereum community. Please help us keep Goerli usable for free test cases.

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Hi @remyroy! I canā€™t speak for the community as a whole, but allow me to sincerely apologize and communicate our regret of the previous testnetā€™s design and logistics. We severely underestimated the level of abuse that would occur (which in hindsight, maybe should have been better predicted), and once we realized what was happening, we tried our best to act quickly and stop the disruption that we caused. That doesnā€™t erase the mistakes made, but rest assured that we take the health and availability of the Goerli network extremely seriously.

I appreciate your suggestion and you taking the time to discuss this issue here. However, in my opinion, this issue seems to have already been solved by the team. Participation in SSV testnets have been limited exclusively to SSVā€™s own deposit bot (found here:, which draws from its own pool of goETH. Therefore, no other faucets, bots, or goETH sources should be affected by this or future SSV testnets.

This new bot was already put into practice for the previous testnet and seemed to work very well. Users must use this bot to participate, and the number of validators created is limited to a reasonable daily amount (I believe it was ~200 per day previously).

In addition to this, the rewards for this testnet are designed such that no additional rewards are given for creating more than one validator. And it is limited to those that hold staking-related tokens (SSV, rETH, stETH, etc.). As you can see, this has been designed very cautiously to prevent any abuse.

If you still see issues with this design, please let us know, and we can discuss possible solutions, including moving to the Gnosis/xDai chain.


I appreciate the concern and I think together with a few people in the larger ethereum community weā€™ve solved that issue which primarily focused around faucets.
As before, only the SSV faucet will make validators eligible (along side the more strict rules depicted above).

In general the future for Goerli is to open it up with much larger minting rather than closing it down which is a good thing for developers like us.

By 32k they actually meant the pool where only validators/operators where considered disregarding the SSV holders pool which was another 32k.

Has a start date been determined?

not yet, focused on SSV spec alignment at the moment for mainnet