- I’m a Miner, Staker, Node Operator, open-source contributor, Crypto enthusiast / evangelist and Sr DevOps / SRE with 15+ years of experience overall, and 5+ years in the block-chain space specifically.
- Participated in and/or particpates in many testnets / devnets, some of which include SSV, RocketPool, Gnosis/xDAI, Kiln, Kintsugi, & Ropsten
- Contributed to many projects by providing buxfixes via PRs
- Experienced running nodes securely & reliably always utilizing best practices for security and architecture
- Experienced with and actively utilizes monitoring, alerting & logging analytic tools
- Since the beginning in participation of the SSV testnets, we have operated two nodes with an up-time in excess of %99.95 and better (currently %99.97 on both nodes)
*We are very responsible with ensuring security, performance, & up-time of our nodes while committing to timely security and software update as needed - We commit to deploy hard fork updates to consensus / execution clients at least three (3) days before said hard fork, if sufficient notice was given by EF and/or client teams
- We commit to deploy maintenance releases of all clients (node/consensus/execution) in a timely manner
- We are committed to provide personal level support to our stakers / validators and can be reached though a variety of means, some of which include: Discord, Forums, Telegram & LinkedIn. (contact details below)
- We commit to issue postmortems in the event of unplanned outages of over 12 hours.
- We will always try to notify our validators / network participants about any planned downtime at least 48 hours in advance
- We commit to maintain and update our operator page to ensure our stakers / validators are able to make informed decisions about our services
Contact information:
Discord: DenverParaFlyer#9870
Telegram: @DenverParaFlyer
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cmontes/