[Micro-Grant] Running a Liquidator Bot

congrats! did you finally achieve this by significantly increasing the gas price multiplier?

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Yes i just added

nano +117 src/services/worker/tasks/liquidation.task.ts
    } else if (this._config.get('GAS_PRICE') === 'mega') {
      gasPrice += gasPrice * 10.0;

Congratulations, @ThomasBlock @pipsqueecs @Hackworth!

Your application has been approved by the grants committee, and you will receive a micro-grant according to the terms of this program.

Please note that any payout is subject to KYC.

Youā€™ll soon be added to a private discord channel on the SSV server, where weā€™ll discuss the formalities.

@everyone: Weā€™re planning to run a second round to fill up the remaining 2 slots. Please be prepared and try to build up your social score.


congrats to the receivers of this grant!
this topic sound interesting to me, however, iā€™m question myself if this will be sustainable in the future - it looks like a liquidator would have to constantly increase gas in order to ā€œoutrivalā€ other liquidators. am i missing anything?


Perhaps having a lot of them would be a bit of a waste, but having a few would mean that as long as one of them makes it, SSVā€™s goal is met. Thereā€™s only so much gas it could be increased before is becomes unprofitable to participate.


To my understanding this is more of a bootstrapping grant. When there are that many liquidators that they have to compete with each other, this grant (over-) achieved its goal and is no longer needed.


yeah - letā€™s see how this unfolds. am already curious to see the situation after one year.

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